5 Feb 2010

Oh, Darn it...

I have had a major celeb crush for a while on James McAvoy. Well, since Becoming Jane in fact. He's just so cute and lovable. I adore him. Still do, but not as fanatically as I once did. Perhaps because he's always seemed attainable. Even if he was married. But now, he's gonna be a daddy. That kind of make his edge go away. Of course I'm happy for him and his spouse, I mean, children are the greatest blessings of life. But, being a father makes him even more unattainable. You cannot leave as easily. Yes, I do have this fantasy that if he did meet me, he would totally go with me. ;)

Oh damn it. :P Who am I to fantasize about now? Well, I do have a vivid image of an Eric Northman (Alexander Skarskård) in lycra. Yes, I think that might suffice for a while...

Picture borrowed from Newsweek.

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