19 Apr 2010

There's a New Doctor in Town...

Doctors 1-8
Or in space, rather. I've followed the new series of Doctor Who since they started in 2005. It's, I guess, one of the oldest tv- series out there. It originally aired between 1963 and 1989, but was taken up again by BBC in 2005. I have seen some of the old black and white eppies from those days, but I think I prefer the newer ones. We are now down to the 11th doctor.

The doctor is a Timelord and is travelling through space and time to, well, not really meddle, but help out. He usually travels with a companion or two. The most famous one, at least of the 2005 version, I think is Rose. She was with him for quite some time. He met her in the first season, as the 9th doctor.

The 9th Doctor is played by Christopher Eccelston. It was really my first encounter with the series and I really didn't know what to expect. But I liked what I saw. Looking back, I think he's the darker, moodier of the three I have followed. It must be hard to take a role that has been played by so many before you.

Then came he turned into the 10th Doctor, and David Tennant, and I fell truly in love with the series. I really enjoyed his quick humor and sort of geeky handsomeness. He's still funny and all, but there is something darker lurking beneath the smiling surface, which we also get to see later in the series. Being the last of one's kind cannot be easy, even if you are the Doctor. I kept on wanting him and Rose to get together for real, but it didn't happen and she ended up in another universe. Too sad really.

And now, here he is, the 11th Doctor, played by the youngish Matt Smith, well he's younger than me anyways. ;) And he's already got a good companion in Amy Pond, a fiery Scot. There's only been 3 episodes so far, but I think I like the new doctor. The concept is still the same. But I'm eager to see what will happen with Amy's wedding...

All pictures are taken from BBC.

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